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A 4 week coaching program to release what’s holding you back, step into your full potential and become unstoppable in creating the life of your dreams

Now with a new even more individual approach!

What if you could create a life that feels light and joyful? What if you could just be your true you without all these doubts? What if it was possible to feel totally empowered and energized to make your goals become reality?


 Hey Amazing, I know….

  • You finally want to live your dreams – but there are so many expectations to keep up with and you don’t want to let people down

  • You wish for nothing more than to feel free – but with all the obligations in daily life  it can sometimes feel hard just to breathe

  • You are so done with being a people pleaser and always putting your own needs last – but you really care about your relationships and don’t want to disappoint your friends and family

  • You are dreaming of an easy and aligned life where you can just be yourself – but you fear rejection if you take off the mask

  • You have some hidden dream or goals – but you don’t have the courage to try because you are afraid to fail and have always held back from playing really BIG in life

  • You finally want to do the things that you have put off for so long – but you are lacking confidence

  • You really want to follow through with your goals now – but you feel you have already tried everything and don’t want to risk just another disappointment

If you can relate to any or all of the above,

don’t worry, I see you!

Here you are exactly in the right place!

I know that you know that NOW is your time to…

Live the authentic and happy life you deserve and that feels light and enjoyable.

Reset your brain to let it know that from now on everything becomes possible.

Let go of everything that is holding you back and step into your full potential to show your light to the world so that nothing can hold you back.

Become your own greatest cheerleader and feel that new unleashed power within you.

Feel confident and aligned so that no external judgements can throw you off track.

Feel energized to go with full speed ahead direction success.

Believe in yourself and become UNSTOPPABLE in turning your desires into a reality.

But where to start? I totally get it! I'm here because I truly believe every single one of us is only a few steps away from a free, authentic and successful life.

I remember when I felt so trapped in life, rushing to work everyday, dedicating my life to all those expectations out there, I couldn’t imagine at all how I could change things.

But there is a secret source we often forget, and which can add freedom and authenticity to our lives quite fast.

It's time for you to become UNSTOPPABLE!!!

Here is how I found my way to an unstoppable life

Hey powerful, I'm Patricia

I’m a happiness & success coach, trained by the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) and truly have found my passion in empowering other women to finally live their potential and no longer delay their dream life. A year and a half ago, I seemed to have the perfect life, but I felt so frustrated and trapped by all these external expectations for life.

The issue was… I DID have it all. I worked in a high position in real estate fund management, got promoted several times and ultimately managed 1 billion EUR by the age of 30. I had a high salary & was living in a huge house with my wonderful husband (which he still is!!!! 😊). I reached one goal after the other, worked very hard for having what people call a “successful life”. Even though my heart was telling me to go in a different direction, I held on to my career. The decision against my own dreams and values ultimately resulted in a long burnout. I felt so exhausted from constantly proving my worth to the world and so frustrated, because I’ve always delayed my own dreams and desires.  

But then…. I dove deeply into personal development and mindset work and it was just unbelievable how my view on myself and everything around me changed. With finding back to my true self, step by step endless possibilities emerged and I was the lucky one to make a choice. My dream life began to appear possible!!!!

Totally excited, I radically started to turn my life around to what really mattered to me. I became vegan from one day to the other, we gave up our big house in exchange for a small apartment that lets us travel more, I quit my “prestigious” corporate job despite all advice and moved my career to coaching that feels truly aligned with my heart.

With all the mindset work I’d done, all the tools and practices this new feeling of freedom, relief and happiness started to evolve within me. By starting to live my true authentic self regardless of any external judgement and honoring my true needs and desires I feel so aligned and full of energy that everything in life seems possible!


 It's time to step into your full power! So, get ready for your soul-aligned and joyful life, that lets you reach for the sky!



A 4 week coaching program to release what’s holding you back, step into your full potential and become unstoppable in creating the life of your dreams


You're tired of playing small, and you know deep down, that there has to be more in life. It's time you step into your full power.


This program is for everyone who truly believes that there must be more happiness and lightness in life, who is ready to transform her life and is willing to commit to step out of her comfort zone (with a lot of support of course) to make it happen!

Since implementing the practices, processes & strategies shared inside UNSTOPPABLE YOU, I’ve been able to…

  • ​Release that feeling of frustration and being trapped and now see these endless possibilities and freedom in life

  • Detach from other people’s opinions and not being hit hard every time when I feel someone says something negative about me

  • Come from a place of love in all my relationships which has tremendously increased the overall harmony with all the people around me and has even drawn so many new amazing and like-minded people into my life

  • Actually love myself and show compassion for who I am instead of for what I do. Making yourself a priority is such a game changer, Ladies!  

  • Live authentically and in alignment with my values and finally feel that inner peace that I have longed for all my life

  • Find the courage to quit my corporate job and pursue a new career as a life coach that I’m so passionate about and that feels so aligned with my true me

  • Boldly make some major decisions despite all external expectations: I became vegan and my husband and I decided to cancel the lease for the huge house we were living in because we were always dreaming of travelling more and never needed so much space.

  • Really follow through with all my goals that I have put off for so long and it is even fun

  • Change from the most rational person you could ever imagine to reigniting the connection to my heart, that has been my reliable guidance ever since


This is why I have put together this program where I share the best tools, knowledge & my personal experience, to help YOU also live your best life.

By the end of our 4 weeks together, you will have...


Taken over the steering wheel of your life by unleashing your true power from limiting beliefs and now feel energized to live your truth/create the life that YOU want.


Awakened the hero in you and feel proud of all the valuable skills and resources you have and simultaneously develop a good and loving relationship with yourself


Learned how to free yourself from other people’s opinions and expectations, stop people pleasing and how to show up authentically in your relationships


Implemented a daily (mindset) routine and feel confident & courageous to move directly towards your goals/ dreams with the right tools at hand so that nothing will hold you back anymore


Set up your personal support system that you can refer to whenever you need inspiration, motivation or some encouraging words


Transformed in that new version of you, that is crystal clear on your desires and the necessary steps for YOU as the CEO to design your dream life so that procrastination is no longer an option because you are UNSTOPPABLE

What my clients say

Yellow Portraits Teacher Education How T

"I really enjoyed the Unstoppable YOU course! Patricia is a great coach and is amazing at what she does. I learned a lot of practical exercises and techniques that helped me to grow (more than I would have ever imagined). I highly recommend this course! Seriously, if you are considering taking this course you really should do it."

-- Ada Miller, United States 
Artist |      Instagram: @adamillerart, Website:


"It was one of the best decisions I could make for myself personally. Through Unstoppable You, I got to know new sides and strengths of me, which I was not aware of before. Most of the time, the implementation was lacking and long forgotten or abandoned projects were revived. I have found courage to continue in self-employment and to pursue my heart's desire. 

I had a lot of fun with Patricia as my coach. The live calls were very helpful. We discussed the topics that we had previously worked on in the wonderful workbook. I can recommend unstoppable you to everyone.

-- Kate B., Germany 
Logistics Coordinator

Here is the curriculum so that you know exactly what you can expect from this amazing journey over the course of 4 weeks.

The UNSTOPPABLE YOU Curriculum Breakdown


 Here's what we'll cover & accomplish in each of our 4 weeks together... 


  • Implement a new daily routine so that you can begin to re-program your way of thinking and become the unstoppable version of you from Day 1 of the program!

  • Install simple but effective daily mindfulness practices that will put you on the fast-track to getting where you want to go 

  • Boost your confidence – get ready to get uncomfortable (but don’t worry, you will have a lot of support!!!!! You can totally do it!)



  • How to create your vision for your freedom-filled life that you can get your confidence behind, and start creating A-S-A-P!

  • The one secret that will add a lot more freedom to your life right away

  • Get back the control over your life to get what you want

  • Program your mind to go from self sabotage into support mode

  • Overcome limiting beliefs to dissolve the boundaries that hold you back from achieving your dreams



  • Stop that inner critic to no longer hide the amazing person you truly are from the world 

  • How compassion is the key to become your own biggest cheerleader

  • Become confident in your resources and awaken your inner hero

  • Build trust and belief in yourself and connect with your intuition to make better decisions

  • Create new perspectives to deal with worrying and the fear of failure so that you can go for your goals


  • Stop people pleasing and still level up all your relationships while being authentic

  • Detach from other people’s opinions to go for what YOU really want in life

  • Rewire your mind and change your perception so that external influences can no longer harm you

  • Create a support system for you that keeps you motivated and helps you handle difficult situations

  • Draw more like-minded people into your life so that life is more joyful and fun



  • Goal Mapping to set up a specific strategy and action steps to make your dreams become reality

  • Apply planning tools and implement new daily habits so that your goals become inevitable

  • Stay motivated to follow your dream - even when it gets uncomfortable or feels hard

  • The best tools and strategies to quiet distractions and stay focused

  • How to deal with procrastination and perfectionism so that all your tasks become a lot easier

What's included


Inside the 4 weeks of UNSTOPPABLE YOU, you'll get...


Inside the 8 comprehensive livestream video modules of UNSTOPPABLE YOU (2 per week), you'll get my personal guidance with all the knowledge and deep insights that really lead to sustainable results, as well as every mindset practice I recommend you implement, and every step towards your new life you need to make.


“The greatest gap in life is the one between knowing and doing” (Richard Biggs) These 4 workbooks have been included to help you apply the knowledge to your personal situation and your own life and to transform it to more freedom and success as a result.


As you work through the program content, I'll be here to help you implement it successfully to ensure you not only follow through the course, but that you create the free & authentic & successful (soul-aligned) life you desire, too. For any questions or issues that come up during the program, anything you would like help with to apply the knowledge and tools to your individual situation to become the confident and authentic YOU you desire, I will be by your side. The email coaching includes 4 emails over the period of 6 weeks at your own disposal. You can calmly think about what you would like to ask me and what you would like support with. You will get a comprehensive answer from me (either via email or voice note) specifically on your topic that you can always come back to and work directly with them.  


To really tune you in into that new version of you, we need to get you in the right energy. There will be 5 meditation audio files to listen to as often as you want, that will help you to align your vibration with the results you desire and to train your subconscious mind to follow a new path now.



We will set up this routine already in the pre-course to set you up for your unstoppable life right away. This routine will get you aligned with your desired outcomes, so that taking the needed steps during the program will be easy-peasy.  

I can't wait to meet you in the program very soon and support you on your journey!!!

Your Investment


Right upon signing up, you'll gain access to the pre-course content, so that you can get started right away.

Investment UY EB
UY Currently Closed

 Pay in Full 

Join UNSTOPPABLE YOU for a one-time payment of 




** prices listed in USD;

prices in EUR will be shown in the next step

 Payment Plan 


3 b-weekly payments of 




** prices listed in USD;

prices in EUR will be shown in the next step

What happens next...

After choosing your payment option, you will be sent a welcome email full of everything you need to know, to be best prepared for your journey.


Also, you will be invited to join the program Facebook group where you get to meet your like-minded sisters who are going to be going through the journey to their UNSTOPPABLE YOU right alongside you. 

What my clients say about me

Testimonial UY Currently Closed

"Patricia was so incredibly helpful, kind, patient and enlightening. After just four sessions with her, I made so much progress and saw a massive transformation in my business as well as my mindset. Patricia helped me work through mindset blocks that were holding me back and showed me how to reframe my way of thinking so that I could be more organized, goal-oriented and productive. She encouraged me to pursue my passions, and always made me feel empowered and listened to. At the start of each session, we began with a goal, and I always felt accomplished by the end. I recommend Patricia to anyone looking to make progress in their goals. Her support has been life-changing!"

-- Sam Savello, United States
Business Coach |     Instagram: @yourcoachsam, Website:

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if UNSTOPPABLE YOU is right for me?


Simply put- you wouldn't be reading this if big results weren't available (and predictable) for you, and soon. That nudge that's telling you to keep reading, is coming from the part of you that knows that the freedom, confidence & success you seek is on the other side of this program. Whatever you are dreaming of who you want to be, UNSTOPPABLE YOU will show you how to get there.

When can I start?

Right upon signing up, you'll gain access to the pre-course content, so that you can get started right away. You can go through the program at your own pace and use the email coaching support at your own disposal within 6 weeks after enrollment. The recommended duration for the course is 4 weeks.


What makes this program different than other personal development programs?

This isn't a "follow these 10 steps for guaranteed results" type of program. UNSTOPPABLE YOU has been developed to work with and FOR you-- exactly where you're at, despite the insecurities or uncertainties you may have. We will dive below the surface to resolve the actual blocks that hold you back from living your best life. We will transform them in a sustainable way to serve you and set you up with your individual strategy to success. In these 4 weeks you will rise above yourself, gain so much confidence and feel so excited to finally be able to reach all your goals!


How much of a time commitment is needed to complete the program?

Every week there will be two video modules. You can go through the program at your own pace, however the recommended duration for the course is 4 weeks. In total there is 5.5+ hours of video content for you to watch as well as action-items for you to complete on your own. An average of 2-3 hours per week will be all it takes to set you up for your unstoppable life.

I have questions, can we chat first?

Of course! You can email me at with any and all questions you may have.

© 2020 by Patricia Jasmin – All rights reserved

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