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We often get caught up in all the "shoulds", all the pressure, all the expectations, all the to-dos and we think “That's just how life is.”

But you know what? IT'S NOT!!!!!!

The truth is we are here to ENJOY life and to be HAPPY!

The truth is life is meant to feel LIGHT & FREE.


There’s a magic piece that will allow you to rise into that reality:


You need to Remember who you truly are at your core!

As soon as you remember, you will feel infinite relief and at the same time endless power within you.


Imagine your life if you were not stressed but always had access to your full potential!


If you were not in doubt but always in full trust & confidence!


What if nothing could go wrong?

What if everything was possible?


What would change in your job, your business, your relationships, your finances, your everyday life?

From my own experience, I can say that everything that I share in this program is life-changing,

and I couldn't be more excited to help you draw this limitless ease, happiness and abundance into your life, too!

REMEMBER & RISE is for you if you desire to...

… step into the freedom & lightness of life.

... step into your limitless power to confidently make your dream life happen NOW.

…start living an authentic life today without having to meet all the expectations to feel "good enough".

… learn an easy way that lets you ditch the doubts, have unshakeable self-esteem and be your true self.

… create an inner state of being of calm & peace and feel unwavering safety and trust, no matter what.

... activate all the happiness, freedom and power that is waiting for you.

… drop the stress and enjoy it to the fullest!


This program is for the woman who truly believes there must to be more happiness and ease in life, who wants to get REALLY excited about life again, and who is ready to step into their light NOW!

It's time to remember who you truly are and access your limitless power.

 Here's what we'll cover & accomplish in our

3 amazing weeks together... 

Training One - Evaluate

Before we dive deep into energy, reality shifts and all the things we will evaluate where in life you might not be living the life YOU truly want yet and also focus on WHAT you want instead, because if you don’t know what you want, how will you make your order to the universe? 😉

Training Two - Remember

This is probably my favorite training ever, so here we go:

Uncovering the secret of who you truly are and giving you a whole new perspective of reality so that life gets easy, fun and successful for you RIGHT NOW. I’ll guide you stepping into your limitless power and feel excited about life again with a super simple daily method. Get ready for big shifts! And the best part is, once you have uncovered it, there is no way back!

Training Three - Feel & Align

Since everything is energy, we can't feel free or get what we want unless we align with the energy. In this training, I will teach you a whole new way of living that will make life so much happier and easier for you. Instead of stress and pressure, peace and joy will wash over you. Let's choose the fun way to get the success you are dreaming of!


Training Four - THE-Process

I really wanted this program to be a no-brainer as much as possible so I developed an amazing process that will make it super easy for you to access your light and limitless power in any minute. We’ll dive deeper into the magic of energy and have very simple action steps you can implement in daily life.

Training Five- Decide & Embody

This training is all about bringing your dream life closer. We’ll take away the heaviness of making decisions and showing the universe what you want.

We’ll talk all the things making decisions super easy and safe, and embodying the energy of your dream life already today.

Training Six- Know your worth

The fear of unworthiness is the main reason why we deviate from our dream lives. We’ll have you step into your unconditional worth, limitless power and overcome any triggers and self-doubts for good so that your power will be unshakeable in any situation that might occur.

Training Seven- Trust & feel safe

Rearranging your life can sometimes be scary, I know, but what if fear wasn’t a big deal any longer? We’ll build your unshakable foundation of trust and safety, so that external validations and opinions are no longer relevant. It's time to become friends with the universe, hun!

Training Eight- Rise & Be Free

It’s time to to step into your light & power and be free. It's time to show the true you to the world. You get to choose some new stories, love. Together we’ll get you back into being the creator of your life, while building a relationship between your human and your soul and so that you actually bring your dreams to life.

Training Nine- Surprise Bonus Module

What's included


Inside the 4 weeks of REMEMBER & RISE, you'll get...


8 In-depth Live Trainings

(+ 1 Bonus Training)

where we will uncover the limitless power & happiness of your true self. Also I'll teach you my powerful process so that you can easily access your true power and the ease and joy of life within minutes on a daily basis. Get ready for some huge reality shifts! 

8 Accompanying Journal Workbooks

to remember and dive even deeper into the true you, to help you get your human on board and paint the big picture to your dream life. You will also get simple & quick daily action steps and reminders to uplevel your daily consciousness and make the big things happen!

Soul-driven Facebook Community

to meet fellow participants, connect with your soul sisters in the program and feel the spirit of this wonderful journey together

3 Weeks of Telegram Group Support

where you get all my guidance and help for all questions that might come up in between the trainings so that nothing stands in the way of your transformation to your happiest and most abundant life

Hey Love, I'm Patricia

I’m an energetic female empowerment & lifestyle design coach, trained by the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) and truly have found my passion in supporting other women to rise into their power and bring their dreams to life.


I've followed all the "shoulds" my whole life and felt a lot of stress, pressure, and weight on my shoulders. I always knew there had to be more to life, but I had no idea how to achieve it.


I kinda had it all, the prestigious job, a big house, the most handsome & loving husband (which he still is ;)), earned a lot of money, ... but it didn't bring me the inner freedom and peace I was longing for. By disconnecting more and more from my true self, I finally had a severe burnout that changed everything.

I became obsessed with mindset work, quit the house lease to travel more and work remotely from all over the world, became a vegan, went back to school to become a certified coach, quit my prestigious job and started my own coaching business where I'm so grateful to watch my clients kill it and transform their lives.

When I finally found the magical missing piece that I was still searching for to feel inner lightness and freedom, I experienced happiness and freedom on a whole new level.


I remembered WHO I was and began to see my worth regardless of any outcome. I realized that happiness and abundance is our natural state. I connected with a higher power and discovered how to let go of all the stress and struggles caused by the expectations of human life and bring my energy into alignment with my desires to make them happen, no matter how big they are.

Where before I felt doubt and pressure, now I feel pure happiness, lightness, joy and infinite power! It feels as if the sky has cleared from the clouds and EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE.


I can't wait to meet you in the program very soon and support you on your journey to rise into your light, power & freedom!!!

... remembered and awakened to your true essence and feel the freedom, lightness and power that comes with it, so that it's time to say goodbye to stress, pressure and doubt.

... started a whole new way of living by implementing my "FREE Process" into your everyday life, which raises your level of consciousness so that you actually get to enjoy life and make it fun (even if you still get caught up in the "shoulds" of human life from time to time).


... learned a way to move from frustration, anger and powerlessness to the higher energetic frequencies of ease and happiness, even when you feel totally stressed or drained in that situation.

... stepped into your unlimited worth and feel safe, so it no longer feels scary to show your true radiant self and take leaps in your life without knowing the outcome or what other people might say.

... strengthened your trust and belief in yourself and the universe so that you feel inner peace and calm to authentically live the life YOU want.

... overcome limiting beliefs by cultivating a relationship between your human and your soul so that nothing holds you back anymore to embody your desires. The universe knows what to deliver. 😉

... accessed your limitless and unwavering power to draw the abundance you deserve into your life, so that your dream life is no longer something that begins "someday." Now is the time for you to RISE!


By the end of our 4 weeks together, you will have...

Payment Options

 Pay in Full 

Join Remember & Rise for a one-time payment of 




** prices listed in USD

 Payment Plan 

Join Remember & Rise for

3 b-weekly payments of 




** prices listed in USD

Early Bird Price $222 PIF or 3x $78 until Saturday, Sep 24th. Use the code "RREB" at checkout.

What happens next...

After choosing your payment option, you will be sent a welcome email with all the details you need to know, to be best prepared for your journey before the program officially begins with Module 1 happening on Monday, October 3rd.


Prior to the program starting, you will be invited to join the program Facebook group where you get to meet your like-minded soulbabes who are going to be going through the journey to their true magic right alongside you. 

What my clients say about me


"To my dear coach! I would like to write a short feedback, because I am literally bursting with emotions after the session with Patricia. It’s truly hard to describe how grateful I am for what she does, for the way she conducts the sessions, what emotions and strings of my soul she touches every time and every session is like a deep conversation after which I know most of the answers for this life. I am grateful to the universe that it brought me Patricia as a coach. And sessions with her are one of the things that I look forward to every week in order to improve my life and make it better, because without her it seems impossible 😃. Patricia is definitely that person, that coach who makes you feel greater every time after the sessions, who makes me realize that I live for some purpose and reason. I was coached by many coaches, and as for me – Patricia is one of the best, who I can't imagine a life without :) She is energetically MY person and all her clients must be the happiest ones. hugs ❤️."

-- Elena S., Russia 
Business Operations Professional / Coach

Testim RR

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if REMEMBER & RISE is right for me?

Simply put- you wouldn't be reading this if big results weren't available (and predictable) for you, and soon. That nudge that's telling you to keep reading, is coming from the part of you that knows that the freedom, ease & power you seek is on the other side of this program. Whatever you are dreaming of how YOU want your life to be, REMEMBER & RISE will get you in your full power so that nothing will hold you back anymore.

When do we start!?

The first module will drop live on Monday, October 3rd. In the meantime I would like to encourage you to join the facebook group to get to know your fellow participants. 


What makes this program different than other personal development programs?

This is not about tools and all the things and exercises you should do to change your life. This program really addresses the core of who you really are. I'm also going to share with you a super simple 4-step process that I've developed to make it super easy for you to consistently access your limitless power and ease in life. In these 4 weeks you will rise, step into your worth, gain so much confidence and feel so excited about life that anything will be possible for you!


How much of a time commitment is needed to complete the program?

Every week there will be three live video modules (each video module is about 30 minutes - 60 minutes in length) and journal prompts for you to dive deep on your own. This is your time to step into your full power and live your happiest and most abundant life.

I have questions, can we chat first?

Of course! You can email me at or send me a voice note on Instagram @patriciajasminbergmann with any and all questions you may have.

© 2022 by Patricia Jasmin Bergmann – All rights reserved

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