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Join the 3-Day mini-course

Free Yourself from other People’s Opinions & finally embrace your most terrific & abundant Life

3 days to finally break free from all external limitations and live a happy life


Opt-in to get the time, date & details!

Can't catch it live? No worries, there will be a replay up shortly after the course.

You're an ambitious woman who KNOWS she wants more in her life and is ready to make it happen. It's time for you to:

  • Learn how to manage your mindset so that external opinions no longer bother or distract you from your goals

  • Become more successful in life and even increase your energy by not compromising on your dreams any longer speaking up for what really matters to you

  • Start experiencing inner peace and happiness and unleash your strong personality (the real you has been dying to be set free!)

  • Take the mask down and show the world the true amazing you

  • Step powerfully into your next level of life by breaking free from all judgements so that you can stop doubting & start living

In this online 3-day mini-course, I'll share:

  • The smallest (but most effective) step to free yourself RIGHT NOW and follow your own goals- It’s time to start LIVING YOUR LIFE

  • How I turned my life around despite all external judgement and finally feel happy & free

  • Why you will suddenly be a magnet that automatically attracts other authentic people and amazing opportunities, once you stop pleasing everyone

  • Why trying to meet everyone’s expectations is NOT the key to happiness and fulfillment

  • What it really takes to shift your perspective and detach from all expectations

  • The KEY component to be relaxed and emotionally not affected by any judgement (no matter how bad it is)

  • What the secret is that some people always seem so relaxed and still reach their goals (while you’re totally stressed out to keep up in life)

During our 3 days together, you'll get:

  • Daily trainings that will give you the insights and breakthroughs you need to become independent from other people’s opinions and start living your dream life NOW

  • Daily workbooks to reflect & integrate to care less about what others think so that you can break through and uplevel your life to live your true authentic self

  • A daily challenge and actionable step to take to ensure you get most out of the livestream material and become unstoppable in your life NOW


Hi Amazing, I'm Patricia

I'm a certified Happiness & Success Coach. It is my true passion to help ambitous women who feel stressed and unfulfilled in daily life to step into their full power and become their most unstoppable, authentic and happy self.


I myself lived by all the "shoulds" for so many years and always put my own needs and desires aside. It even took a burnout until I finally started to follow my heart. Since then I have made some big life changing decisions and I can tell you it feels SO GOOD! 

This is why I became a Life Coach to help & empower YOU to step into your full potential and also live YOUR best life!

Connect with me on Instagram @patriciajasminbergmann, Facebook @patriciajjasmin or on my website 

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