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Hey love!

Female Empowerment & Core Energy Coach, global citizen & former rule follower. I'm a multi-passionate girl, fascinated by the power of personal development & energy work, I'm a true nature & mountain lover & I'm always looking for new adventures.


Who I truly am?

I’m a human and a soul. It is my soul's mission to change the energy of the world from fear to love & joy, one person at a time. I do not believe that life is serious and hard. I believe life is an experience for us to have fun, joy and love. To really feel alive. To soak it all up. To feel free & abundant. I believe in our own power to create whatever we desire. I believe in ease & lightness of life. I believe that happiness & abundance is our natural state. I believe in the limitless power within us that gets activated when we surrender and let go of the fear of judgement. I believe that when we accept our true self, our essence and feel safe to show up authentically and embrace our strength at the same time, we would live in a whole different world. I am a visionary; I believe in the ripple effect created by the power of one.


I’m a total nature lover, I’m passionate with living in different countries and soaking up all the beauty of this planet. I love deep conversations. I love animals. I love goofing around. I love to feel like a child again and see life through different eyes. I’m a friend and a connector. I am empathetic & compassionate. I’m a dreamer, I’m a motivator, I meet others at eye level. I see the greatness in others. I believe in radical self-acceptance as the foundation of a happy and fulfilled world.

I believe in the universal laws. I believe in energy & frequencies. I believe in the limitless power of humanity. I am deeply spiritual. I am guided by my intuition, my higher self, by the universe, by a force that is bigger than the human mind can comprehend. I'm always looking for the bigger picture. I’m a guide, I’m a creator. I’m a forever learner. A student of life. I am LIGHT. I am LOVE.


The context of my life

  • I stand for a world that feels light & fun and where it feels safe to just show up as our true selves.

  • I stand for women who show up as their most authentic and real self because they feel safe & valuable from within.

  • I stand for women who reinforce proximity and hold space and compassion for others to do the same rather than fearing judgement.

  • I stand for women who feel worthy, valuable & recognized from within instead of endlessly looking for external validation.

  • I stand for women who inspire & empower others and see the greatness within them before they can see it themselves.

  • I stand for women who step into their power and share their strength to empower the ladies around her.

  • I stand for women who dare to dream big, beyond what their mind can comprehend and work on their constant growth to make their dream life happen.

My Journey

When I was a little girl, I was full of ideas and adventures.

But the older I got, the more important “success” became and the more I adapted to the "shoulds" of society and moved away from my own dreams and needs.


​ The issue was I was striving for that perfect life for so many years and eventually I seemed to have it all. I worked in a high position in real estate fund management, got promoted several times and ultimately managed 1 billion EUR by the age of 30. I had a high salary and was living in a huge house with my wonderful husband (which he still is!!!! 😊). I reached one goal after the other and worked very hard for having what people call a “successful life”.


But although the success that I had always hoped for had come about and everything seemed perfect from the outside, I felt so frustrated and exhausted from constantly proving my worth to the world and I always thought there must be more to life. What I missed most was freedom and flexibility. Yet I held on to my career, even though I knew my heart was telling me to go in a different direction. The decision against my own dreams and values ultimately resulted in a long burnout.


But then I dove deeply into personal development and mindset work and it made me realize what becomes possible in life when we step out of the autopilot and live consciously. I became fascinated by the power of our mind and the power of energy. From then I radically started to turn my life around to what really mattered to me and made some life-changing decisions. I became vegan from one day to the other, we gave up our big house in exchange for a small & cozy apartment that lets us travel more, quit my “prestigious” and secure job despite all advice and pursue a new career as a life coach that I’m so passionate about and that feels so aligned with my true me.


"With all the mindset & energy work I’d done, all the tools and practices this new feeling of freedom, relief and happiness started to evolve within me. By starting to live my true authentic self regardless of any external judgement and honoring my true needs and desires and setting a priority for myself I feel so aligned and full of energy that everything in life seems possible!"


Today I’m a Female Empowerment Coach, trained & certified in Core Energy Coaching by the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) and have truly found my passion in helping ambitious women to step into their greatness and become their most unstoppable, authentic and happy self to create a life thats beyond their dreams.


I truly want YOU to live your BEST LIFE, too,

because we can have it all,

a happy AND successful life that feels LIGHT and FREE!

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