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Align You

3-Months transformational
1:1 coaching container to
uplevel your life

Do you know deep within you that there has to be more in life?

Do you hear an inner voice that you have a higher purpose?

Do you desire feeling safe in fully being the true you without any doubts?

Do you desire to feel totally empowered and energized to make your dreams become reality?

My 1:1 coaching container is for you if you are ready for a life that really excites you, that represents your true desires, that lets you be your true authentic self and that feels light, free and fun without compromising on your success. 

What it's like working with me


"Patricia was so incredibly helpful, kind, patient and enlightening. After just four sessions with her, I made so much progress and saw a massive transformation in my business as well as my mindset. Patricia helped me work through mindset blocks that were holding me back and showed me how to reframe my way of thinking so that I could be more organized, goal-oriented and productive. She encouraged me to pursue my passions, and always made me feel empowered and listened to. At the start of each session, we began with a goal, and I always felt accomplished by the end. I recommend Patricia to anyone looking to make progress in their goals. Her support has been life-changing!"

-- Sam S., United States
Business Coach

If you want more from your life, I'll guide you to a whole new level of freedom & ease by simply allowing yourself to be YOU and rediscover your true power!


The Power of Energy

The reason why we sometimes lack ease, freedom & joy in our life is because we have disconnected too far from our soul and are not living our true identity. We have moved too far away from our SOURCE OF ENERGY and feel exhausted or drained. Energy is the connection between our human part and our soul. And that is exactly why we speak of "Alignment". We realign your energy with your human AND your soul. We can't just be one OR the other.

The goal of our work together...

... is to reconnect you to your soul. Your soul is the part within you that is complete, that is infinitely powerful, and for whom everything is possible. Your soul perceives life in a completely different way. The natural state of your soul is happiness & abundance. Since your soul cannot be hurt (only your human part), it is always in inner peace and balance. Your soul is who you really are, your true essence. The driving force is love. Your soul's mission is to just enjoy life to the fullest, share positive energy with as many as possible and pursue your dreams because there are NO LIMITS.

Reconnecting to your soul will shift you into radical self-acceptance which will activate a feeling of limitless power and ease so that EVERYTHING becomes possible in your life.

Wanna learn more about my approach? Click here.

Are you ready for a life that makes you jump out of bed every morning with excitement?

Let's do this, babe!

After our work together you will...

  • … be the master of your energy and have created a whole new perception of reality so that life feels light, fun and exciting.

  • … have rediscovered who you truly are and accessed your limitless and unwavering power so that everything becomes possible.

  • … have gained so much confidence and strengthened your trust and belief in yourself so that you feel totally secure and relieved to finally embody your true authentic self.

  • … have gained clarity about what you really WANT from life and have not only developed an action plan to get there, but have already on the way to make it happen.

  • … be able to access your intuition and inner guidance in everyday life to regularly check with yourself if you are following your soul.

  • … have learned all the tools to stay relaxed, at peace and on top of your emotions so that you can continue to follow your path, even when things get wild.

  • … have created your individual strategy and routines to success that allow you to stay focused and achieve your goals with ease, even in busy times so you can actually enjoy the journey.

It's time to rise, love!

What my clients say


"To my dear coach! I would like to write a short feedback, because I am literally bursting with emotions after the session with Patricia. It’s truly hard to describe how grateful I am for what she does, for the way she conducts the sessions, what emotions and strings of my soul she touches every time and every session is like a deep conversation after which I know most of the answers for this life. I am grateful to the universe that it brought me Patricia as a coach. And sessions with her are one of the things that I look forward to every week in order to improve my life and make it better, because without her it seems impossible 😃. Patricia is definitely that person, that coach who makes you feel greater every time after the sessions, who makes me realize that I live for some purpose and reason. I was coached by many coaches, and as for me – Patricia is one of the best, who I can't imagine a life without :) She is energetically MY person and all her clients must be the happiest ones. hugs ❤️."

-- Elena Shustrova, Russia 

Business Operations Professional / Coach

"Patricia has supported me during a challenging and transformational phase in my life. She helped me make important decisions, listen to my intuition, break old patterns and realign my life. I will be starting a great new job in my favorite city next week, which I am really looking forward to. Life offers so many beautiful opportunities. Patricia has shown me how important it is to listen to my heart and walk my own authentic path. I am deeply grateful to her for that. I can recommend coaching with her to anyone who wants to steer their life in new positive directions and make powerful decisions. Good luck and success! Julia "

-- Julia Schwarzmann, Germany
Yoga Teacher |     Instagram: @julia_schwarzmann


What's included


With my high-level 1:1 coaching program "Align You", you'll get...

12 In-depth 1:1 coaching sessions via audio (Zoom)

In our individual sessions I will help and guide you to find the answers to all your questions and set up YOUR best strategy to direct life towards your dreams. I will inspire and encourage you so that you can recognize and use your full potential to be, have or do WHATEVER you want in your life.

Participation in the Energy Leadership Index™ Assessment 

+ 60 min debrief session

This tool offers the optimal basis for your transformation. You will gain a better understanding of the power of energy and learn how you can use your current energy resources to uplevel your happiness and abundance in all areas of your life. You will be amazed, energy is a whole new eye-opening language that you will soon master!

Support via Voxer App

Just imagine having a trained Core Energy Coach always by your side in your daily life. You'll get my guidance and support with any questions or challenges that might come up between sessions Mon-Thu via voice or text message, so that nothing stands in the way of your transformation to your happiest and richest life. 

Wherever you are at right now, just KNOW you can have it all!
I'm happy to help you level up your life so that it actually FEELS aligned, fun and easy!
It is all available to you!

What our work together looks like

I usually start each of my individual coaching relationships with an amazing tool, which is called the Energy Leadership ™ Index (ELI) Assessment. It is based on the 7 energy levels and shows you how you have been using your energy in different situations or areas of your life. It also reveals how you can use and elevate your existing energy resources to master any situation more efficiently and easily.


After debriefing the assessment we co-create a guideline for our time together, so that you can LIVE the dream life you deserve.

Potential topics we can cover throughout our time together are:

Radical Self Acceptance • Self Trust • Dealing with Fears • Feminine Energy & Allowance to Receive • The magic of Manifestation • Intuition & Inner guidance • Emotional Intelligence •  Action taking • Self Mastery • Time Management • People Pleasing  • Overwhelm  • Overthinking  • Perfectionism • Energy Management  • Confidence  • Success • Relationships • Career • Finances • Limiting Beliefs • Mindset • Joy & Happiness • Stress Relief

All coaching sessions will be individual and absolutely tailored to your situation so that you have the best support to reach your goals and make your dreams become reality!

Your Investment

 Pay in Full 

Sign up for the 3-Month 1:1 Coaching Package for a one-time payment of 





** prices listed in USD,

prices in EUR will be shown on the next page

 Payment Plan 

Sign up for the 3-Month 1:1 Coaching Package for 3 monthly payments of 



** prices listed in USD,

prices in EUR will be shown on the next page

Investment 1-1

Looking for a longer term coaching relationship?

Yes girl! I'm celebrating you for going all in with your dreams! I have a 6-Months-Package that includes the same services but 24 instead of 12 private sessions.

6-Months 1:1 Package 

Pay in full: 



OR 6 monthly payments of:



** prices listed in USD,

prices in EUR will be shown on the next page

Frequently Asked Questions

What can I expect and how can I know if this is a good fit for me?

Everyone is different and what works for one may be the wrong thing for another. That's exactly why I won't tell you what to do (otherwise you would be back in the shoulds ;) ) but will support you and guide you to find out exactly what is the right way FOR YOU and tailor the coaching program exactly to that. Here is what you can expect:


SUSTAINABLE RESULTS: I will support you in developing YOUR own solutions and strategies that fit your individual needs and believe that YOU are creative and resourceful by nature and have the answers to create that happy and successful life that you are dreaming of.

LASTING CHANGE: I will listen BEYOND what you are saying; I will observe, encourage self-discovery, and customize your approach to meet your needs and to be aligned with your real desires and values.

SUPPORT TO THRIVE: I will help you make adjustments, remove roadblocks and support the skills, resources, and creativity you already have so that you achieve your goals faster and with more ease.

What is the benefit of 1:1 coaching over a group program?

Private coaching helps you to become more open to explore and work on your personal growth by diving deep into personal development in a way that feels comfortable for you.

We focus on your individual situation, goals and challenges and identify behaviors that may need improving. To achieve your goals, we create a specific plan that takes into account your personal skills and resources.

Through one-on-one coaching you’re able to develop a better self-awareness. You recognize and learn more about yourself, your thought patterns and how your thoughts, actions and behaviors affect your happiness and success.


How is coaching with you and your coaching approach different from other coaches?

I'm using the unique approach of Core Energy Coaching™ to reconnect your human part with your soul. Core Energy Coaching is a simple but super effective process to make the intangible super tangible and understandable. It has it's roots in Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), Psychotherapy, Mentoring, Consulting, Quantum physics, Metaphysics, Adult and accelerated learning theories, Emotional intelligence, Leadership development and Theories of conscious evolution. The way we see the world is based
on our perceptions and level of consciousness. Personally, I love the Core Energy Coaching™ approach because it turns something very intangible like perception and energy into something very concrete that can be easily applied to everyday life.

In our coaching together I'll meet you exactly where you're at, despite the insecurities or uncertainties you may have. We will dive below the surface to resolve the actual blocks that hold you back from living your best life. We will transform them in a sustainable way to serve you and set you up with your individual strategy to success. During the period of our 3 months together you will rise above yourself, gain so much confidence and feel so excited to finally be able to reach all your goals!


Can results be guaranteed?

Maybe this sounds harsh, but the success and outcome of our work together depends on you. Be sure that I will fully support and guide you but I can't do the work for you. ;) Similar to a runner. He can have the best coach, but he has to cross the finish line by himself. But if you commit and do the mindset work and action steps that we develop together, then your success is inevitable and you will see results that you now think are impossible! I promise, it'll be so worth it! :)

I have questions, can we chat first?

Of course! You can just send me a message or voice note on my Instagram @patriciajasminbergmann and find out how I can help you with what you desire, what our work together would look like and if we are a good fit or you can email me at patricia@patriciajjasmin.comOf course, you can ask any questions you have about the process, as well as anything else that might help you make the right decision for YOUR best future. :) I look forward to connecting with you soon.

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