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Are you dreaming of a life that feels light & free and brings you happiness & abundance just by being yourself?
Then you are in the right place!


I'm Patricia

I am a Female Empowerment & Core Energy Coach. 

I believe that there is an infinite power within each of us, which is set free when we finally find our way back to ourselves and stop orienting our lives towards external expectations which are not in harmony with our core.

When we remember & embrace who we truly are at our core, we can have it all, a happy AND successful life that feels easy and fun.

It is my true passion to help women who want more from life to step into their full power & greatness and become their most unstoppable, authentic and happy self. 

The core of my work

The most impactful realization that I’ve had on my own personal growth journey is that ultimately all stress & struggle in life results from fear. Or more precisely, from the fear of judgement which in turn results from self-criticism.


Once we radically accept ourselves, we experience not only relief but create a foundation of safety from within us so that our wellbeing is no longer dependent on external circumstances. We experience ease & lightness no matter what. When we radically accept ourselves, we show all of us, even the vulnerable sides. And in doing so, we actually create proximity to others. Togetherness. And more so, we inspire others to do the same. Show their true authentic selves, accepting themselves, accepting others instead of judging them, shifting from fear to love.


When we additionally embrace our strengths, we reach a whole new level of self-confidence, freedom and personal power. Then we are limitless and can create a life beyond our dreams.

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THIS is the most magical and powerful truth of life I’ve experienced and so I made it the core of my work to guide YOU through my formula to the ULTIMATE LEVEL OF LIGHTNESS & FREEDOM in life.

YOU are the CREATOR of your life! It's time to make it a Masterpiece!


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